Ramblings in a locked down world

Right here we go,

This is my first go at a Blog, warning it may ramble on in a disjointed manner. Hopefully it will get better as we go on.

Whilst being in furlough from work I thought what to do, we couldn’t go out, anywhere apart from the shops doctors or limited exercise. How was I going to cope, my camera is my stress release mechanism. You cannot beat being out in the fresh air getting some exercise & taking pictures. If the two can be combined then all the better.

The list of jobs to be done in the house completed, the secondary list completed. What next. Lightbulb moment, why not have my own website to share my images to the world, maybe even sell some.

I have been posting some shots on my Facebook & Instagram pages for a while now, funny enough they have the same name as this page, so the website I thought was the logical progression. So here it is www.davidaustinphotography.co.uk. I hope you have enjoyed looking through it. New pictures will be added to it, hopefully on a regular basis once the lockdown has been eased/lifted. What I would like to do is add a blog when I add pictures, just to say a little bit about them, the workshop, session etc.

I have been looking through my photographs, re-edited some of them (mainly the early shots) and have placed some of them here, some are my early attempts with a DSLR, what a learning curve going from a point & shoot to a bridge camera then DSLR. You never stop learning, everyday is a school day. In the beginning I really struggled with composition , now it just difficult but I am getting there. Then just as you get the hang of using the camera you have the post production to contend with. I can remember the world of dark rooms, but I never used them. That was for the clever kids at school. Thank god for Photoshop/Lightroom and the many others out there.

I know that a lot of people are waiting to get back to normal life, but what will be normal now in the new world, so many lives lost due to Coronavirus. So many more saved, but we will all be affected by it for some time until its either eradicated or a vaccine found for it. but even so I don’t think life will return to what it was before and to be honest I`ve gotten used to the slower, quieter way of life. We shall see how it goes.